triple shot

I like Starbuck's coffee. After brewing up a pot at home in the French Press, I can often be found stopping during the day to add to my jittery buzz. It was on one of these weekday mornings that the barista handed me a coupon to return on the weekend. It was a "Buy a Coffee for Yourself and Get One for a Friend on Us" type of deal. Sweet. I love free stuff almost as much as I love coffee.
This past weekend as I was out and about I hopped into a 'Bucks to warm myself.
I grabbed the Sunday Trib and stood at the counter wondering what to order on this sunny cold morning. I opened my wallet and saw the coupon that I had put in there a week back. Needing massive amount of caffeine to get through the day, I decided to order two triple espressos, both with whipped cream. I handed over the coupon with my order, and the woman ringing me up said, "Oh! You and your friend should be awake all day!" It was then that I did the mental calculations, and laughed. She asked me what was funny. I said that I wondered if this was the point where I just nod and smile or where I confess that they were really both for me. Her toned changed slightly when she yelled over to the kid at the espresso machine...
"You can just go ahead and put those in one cup. It's just her."
It wasn't until after I downed the six shots that I was awake enough for that to sting a bit.